
Data in Service of the Audience

Duffy Square: weather condition 28°

The Board at tkts is: Dark

Daily tkts Avg: $65.11 / 44.0%.


duffydashboard is proud to be the official data and analytics partner of the TKTS discount ticket booth.

Initially developed as a labor of love, duffydashboard connects audiences in the same-day ticket market with accessible points of entry into the performing arts in New York City.

Our primary mission is to increase the brand recognition and customer base of TKTS, the best value-for-money vendor in the same-day ticket market! The research we enable, and the tools we develop, empower audiences and presenters alike to use TKTS with greater confidence.

Theater (tech) is collaborative

Hello and thank you for visiting!

We hope that you will poke around and be inspired to reach out if you are interested in what we are up to. 🙂

We are a team of self taught developers working our dream project. We know the same-day ticket market in Times Square very well, and we know that it can be a challenging space for both ticket buyers and shows to navigate.

That's why we are working to develop tools that elevate the quality of pricing and demographic data available to customers and shows in the market. The more the customer and the show can know, the better!

The tools we make serve a wide array of end users, but we are most interested in empowering two groups: audience members, and nonprofit organizations.

We believe that nonprofits are uniquely positioned to foster a relationship with an audience member, encouraging them to further engage with the theater community in NYC.

And we'd love to collaborate with you. Times Square can be a hectic place, but we’re always out there and happy to meet. In the meantime, this API endpoint is for you.

duffydashboard Community API:
  • Indication of whether TKTS Duffy Square is open.
  • Live count of the number of shows.
  • Live average price and discount.

All the best!

Meeting and learning from the audience
Midday QR placement at TKTS. Customers can scan to see what's for sale.

The more people outside of TKTS we can speak with and learn from, the better our systems for collecting, storing, and applying data will be!

We work outside of TKTS daily, engaging with patrons and adapting our tools to meet their needs.

Two tools currently in use by our staff and others outside of TKTS are:

  • Our daily On The Boards Email — an email listing what is for sale that day at TKTS that patrons can sign up for as they wait in line.
  • Our Live TKTS Information Page — a webpage offered to patrons via QR that allows customers to sort through the shows for sale by type and by time.

These tools allow us to start conversations with patrons and further underline the value of shopping at TKTS, encouraging deeper engagement with TDF and its programs.

Because tech alone is never enough! Out at TKTS, our tech is always in service of converting the first meeting with a customer into a lifelong relationship.

Meet the Team

Our team draws on professional experience from within nonprofit theater, theater promotions, publishing and web development.

Ben Van Buren began work on what would become duffydashboard in 2018. He is focused on exploring how audience development efforts at non-profit and commercial producing organizations can benefit from engaging in the same-day ticket market using datasets, providing KPIs to help make data-driven decisions and meet their goals. Ben is also proud to operate Times Square Books, an open invitation to publish anyone who works outside in Times Square.

Susanne Boulle founded DragonFlyer Works, offering promotional services in the Broadway industry. DragonFlyer has partnered with 200+ Broadway and Off Broadway productions, since 2010. She's focused on ticket buying trends in the last minute market, especially the many Broadway and TKTS first time shoppers who are showing up in 2023 and how those demographic trends are evolving since Broadway reopened.

Samantha Dubin is the TKTS Operations Manager at TDF and the partnership coordinator for duffydashboard. She began working at TKTS in 2014 as a college intern for their Patron Services team. Samantha is excited to work alongside duffydashboard to highlight the importance of the discount and same-day ticket market.

Derek Garnett, Technical Solution Specialist, has been providing technical expertise for duffydashboard since 2021, building data-collection and reporting solutions into duffydashboard's infrastructure to best deliver useful information to our customers, and providing helpful tooling for the duffydashboard and TKTS teams.

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